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国际经贸学院孙蕾博士在经济类国际顶级期刊《Games and Economic Behavior》上发表论文
发布日期:2021-12-23 作者:国际经贸学院 点击率:

  国际经贸学院孙蕾博士作为共同第一和共同通讯作者的合作论文“Dynamic Mechanism Design on Social Networks”(合作者为上海财经大学孟大文副教授和Texas A&M University田国强教授)被经济类国际顶级期刊Games and Economic Behavior正式接受并于2021年11月发表。


  孙蕾博士2009年毕业于上海财经大学商学院,她的研究方向集中于应用博弈论、环境经济学等领域,曾在Games and Economic Behavior,Lecture notes in computer science,《南开经济研究》《产业组织评论》等国内外知名学术刊物发表多篇论文。


  This paper studies a mechanism design problem with networked agents and stochastically evolving private information. In contrast to the canonical mechanism design theory focusing only on information asymmetry, we also pay attention to the topology of social network among agents. We find that the standard first-order approach for mechanism design is invalid in dynamic environment. As a remedy, a novel ironing technique is proposed, which produces a perfectly sorting allocation. Based on the optimal dynamic mechanism obtained, we define and compare some important nodes and edges in a network for different ranges of synergy parameter. We further discuss the network intervention problem, in which the principal can intervene to change the ex-ante distribution of individual types.

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