CourseTitle:Highermathematics-Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Periodsper week:3
Department:Schoolof Statistics & Mathematics
Students:Allmajors in economics and management in the university
Contents:Probabilityand mathematical statistics is the study of random phenomenastatistical regularity of the mathematical disciplines, ininstitutions of higher learning in the professional teaching plan isa main basis theory through the study of this course, make thestudents master the basic concept of probability theory andmathematical statistics and methods of cultivating students' abilityto solve practical problems related to, through the study of thiscourse should enable students to master the basic concept ofprobability theory and mathematical statistics, understand the basictheory and method, make the students master the basic idea and methodof dealing with random phenomenon, trains the student to useprobability and statistics methods to analyze and solve practicalproblems
Course Book:WuChuansheng, Ed., economic mathematics -- Probability and MathematicalStatistics, Higher Education Press, 3rd edition, December, 2015
ReferenceBook:MAOShisong et al., Probability and Mathematical Statistics, HigherEducation Press, October 2011, 2nd edition