Course Title:
Periods per week:3
Department:Schoolof Statistics and Mathematics
Preparatory Course:Calculas
Students:Second year undergraduate,ForeignStudents for Economics or Management Majors
Contents:Probability and Statistics is a basicmathematics course which study the random phenomenon. The courseintroduces descriptive date analysis for both one and two variables,present probability, probability distributions, and samplingdistributions , and show large –sample estimation. By the course,students learn the tool of probability and statistics methods. Itwill improve students the ability of dealing with problem by thetraining of probability and statistics.
Course Book:Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 13thed. Authors: Mendenhall; Beaver; Beaver
ReferenceBook:Charles M. Grinstead ; J. Laurie Snell,Introductionto Probability.
Thisbook is free online and it can be downloaded from the followingaddress: