Student Affairs Center

By:/ From: Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance/ Date:1017,2018/ View:6Set up the

About the SAC

The Student Affairs Center (SAC) of Shanghai FinanceUniversity integrates various resources and incorporates multiple functions soas to facilitate procedures and provide students with “one-stop” services. TheSAC, affiliated to the Office of Student Affairs, servesas an innovative platform encompassing functions such as procedure handling, counseling,the publicizing of information and the facilitation of communication betweenfaculties and students.

The SAC is conveniently located in the SFU StudentXintiandi on the ground floor of the Wenbo Building, to the north of No.3School Gate, to the south of fifth teaching building and to the west of the newstudent dormitory currently under construction. The SFU Student Xintiandi,managed by the SAC, includes a service hall for students, the Coffee TreesCafe, a Family 03t, a zone for small vendors, as well as an SmartHouse project to be introduced soon. With these facilities in place, the SACstrives to build a service center for academic study and the provision of amenities,leisure activities and services for all students of Shanghai FinanceUniversity.

As an ancient poem goes, “Whatever great successes onehas achieved, there is always potential to push oneself even further.” The SACwill continue to enhance our initiative, carry out sound management and providehigh quality service. The SAC also welcomes input from all faculties and studentsof the university so as to strengthen our resolution and improve our servicequality, In this way the SAC aims to be a home for all students.

About our services

In terms of information, students can keep themselvesupdated about campus news, notices and other information via the SAC WeChatofficial account “Face-to-face with SFU”.

In terms of counseling, the SAC handles enquiries fromstudents through various channels including over-the-counters, the WeChatofficial account and e-mail.

In processing procedures, the SAC provides students with anover-the-counter service, transferal service, referral service and self-helpservice in order to assist students with various procedures.

1.Office hours of the SAC

On working days: 12:00 – 16:00 from Monday through Friday.

During the winter and summer vacations: 9:30-15:30 onMonday, Wednesday and Friday.

2.Availableprocedural services

1)Cooperative projects of theOrganization Department of the Party Committee

Necessary procedures for newgraduates before leaving campus (transferal of party member documents).

2)Services in cooperationwith the Office of Academic Affairs

Self-help printing ofChinese and English versions of Certificates of Schooling, academic reports.

Re-issuing of student IDs

Necessary procedures for newgraduates before leaving campus (deregistering student IDs).

Issuing registrationcertificates for new students.

Issuing student IDs to newstudents.

Stamping student IDs when IDpictures become detached.

3)Services in cooperationwith the Office of Security

Issuing collective residencepermits (for applying for Shanghai residence permits).

Applying for new ID cards incase of lost IDs

Issuing communicationnotices for household registration certificates.

Lost and found, posting noticesfor lost items.

4)Services in cooperationwith the Finance Office

Settlement of insuranceclaim (China Life Insurance and Pingan Insurance).

Applying to alter registeredAgricultural Bank of China debit cards (the debit card number change isconducted on the Finance Office webpage).

5)Services in cooperationwith the Information Management Center

Transaction machines forAgricultural Bank of China debit cards and campus cards (functions include fundtransfer, password change, freezing and unfreezing cards).

6)Services of Student Affairs Office

Services of the StudentManagement Branch.

Train ticket discount cardregistration for non-local students.

Charging train ticketdiscount card and replacing damaged ones.

Altering discount trainroutes for students.

Registration of Shanghaiuniversity student military service cards.

Annual verification ofShanghai university student military service cards.

Lending baccalaureate gownsto new graduates.

Financial aid center services.

Application for part-timeon-campus positions.

Application for nationalstudent loans (at the beginning of semesters) and confirmation of repaymentmethods (during graduation).

Application for scholarships(innovation and technology scholarships, academic scholarships and sports scholarships).

Ideological and politicaleducation.

Services related to theYiban network (password resetting and campus authentication).

Application for “SFU 100”projects.

Services related to thestudent dormitory areas.

Application to check out ofdormitories.

7)Counseling services

3.Numbers regarding the SAC’sservices

One queue management machine.

2 professional teachers.

Open for 4 hours everyday.

Covering 6 functions.

Including 8 vendors.

12 information counters.

More than 20 kinds ofservice.

Publish information onWeChat for 24 hours each day.

Analytical report on 30 daysof data each month.

A student management team drawnfrom more than 100 faculties.

A service Hall covering1,200 square meters

External exchanges

Since the beginning of its operation, the SAC hasreceived guidance from leaders at various levels. In 11ember 2013, Vice 05orWeng Tiehui visited the SAC and praised the center’s work highly. On 11ember11th, 2014, visiting officers from universities in Yunnan Provincetoured the SAC and appreciated thecenter’s work. Representatives from various universities, including the Universityof Sydney, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University,Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce, Chongqing Technology and BusinessUniversity and Shanghai Xinqiao College, have also visited the SAC. The SAC hasbeen covered in feature reports in various media, including Wenhui Daily andShanghai Education News. The SAC will continue to enhance its serviceinitiative, improve service quality and strive to cater to the needs of allfaculties and students of SFU.

WeChat platforms

“Face-to-face with SFU” is the WeChat public account ofthe SAC. Its logo, designed by the SAC, features the shape of a heartconsisting of the first letters of pinyin spelling of “affairs” in Chinese,representing our dedication to service. The Ginkgo leaf at the center is thesymbol of SFU, while the rainbow color of the background represents the spiritof innovation.

“Face-to-face with SFU” will continue to provide SFU studentswith comprehensive services in the spirit of dedication and innovation and aimsto bridge the gap between students and faculties.

Uptill now, “Face-to-face with SFU” has had:

4,000 subscribers to theaccount.

Received 9,930 messages.

Published informationcovering 13 major areas including news, leisure life and societies.

5 query functions, namelyweather conditions, food, courier information, train schedules, and the CET-4and CET-6 exams.

Published 227 newsletterscomposed of 1,142 pictures and news items.

Received 294,402 visits.

The SAC has established various channels to facilitatequeries from students. On the “Face-to-face with SFU” WeChat platform, wepublish various kinds of information, making regulations, rules and rulesavailable on cell phones. We also created FAQ sections to address the commonproblems we receive on the Yiban network platform and our Renren webpage forstudents.

During the second phase of construction, the WeChatplatform launched a 24-hour Enquiries service regarding campus affairs. It isworth mentioning that all team members providing enquiry services on thisplatform are students from our university. They provide fellow students withsolutions to their problems via different channels, having researched almost 30types of service procedure. The teams plans to launch the self-help enquiryservice and service reservation on the WeChat platform by the end of this year.


1.About four main departments

TheSACers include 4 departments, namely integrated management, human resources,service counseling and promotion. All four work together to provide studentswith comprehensive services.

1)Department of integratedmanagement

The department of integrated management is dedicated tothe management, services and coordination of the SAC. The department isresponsible for various affairs of the SAC and serves as a bridge betweenstudents and teachers and between student and student.

2)Department of servicecounseling

The department of service counseling is mainlyresponsible for improving procedure related to counter services and trainingnew employees. The department also gathers and analyzes data regularly. Inaddition, the department studies issues and difficulties that occur duringdaily operation and researches possible solutions.

3)Department of humanresources

The department of human resources is in charge of testingand examining the performance assessment system. At the beginning of eachsemester, the department selects and appoints qualified staff and formulatesplans for personnel placement.

4)Department of promotion

The department of promotion serves as the publicrelations sector of the SAC and is an important window for external exchangesof the SAC. The department creates promotion materials, and publishes informationon and maintains the WeChat platform “Face-to-face with SFU” so as to work incollaboration with other departments of the SAC and promote various activitiesof the SAC during all phases.

2.Professional team

1)Signing contracts

New employees sign employment contracts for variousperiods with the SAC. The contracts lay out 11 terms regarding work review, jobpromotion and so on so as to foster a sense of responsibility for employees.

2)Professional training

Professional training covers service skill training,personal development and many other areas, which serve to improve our overallservice ability and promote individual professionalism.

3)Performance assessment

The SAC has established a performance assessment systemto appraise the professional growth of its employees. Once the scores from thesystem for employees reach the designated level, they can run for positionshigher than assistants regardless of the year they are in or which school theyare from.

4)Project teams

The work of the SAC is conducted in teams and every memberof the SAC can serve as the project leader. This mechanism will boostefficiency, encourage initiative from team members and give full play totalents.

3.The spirit of dedication

The SAC members is driven by the spirit of dedication andprovides quality services. helping students address various issues. In thisprocess, they realize their own value and represent the principle of ‘zero-distance’.During the summer and winter vacations, the SAC remains open in order to caterto students’ needs and solve their problems.

4.Peer education

Since peers have more similarities, the SAC encouragesmutual help among students themselves. This enables the sharing of information,ideas and experience, offers spiritual encouragement from the perspective ofpeers and provides academic assistance, helping to complement each student’sstrengths and facilitate mutual growth.

5.A bridge between theuniversity and students

Counseling and handling of services are conducted by ateam of students in cooperation with administrative departments. The SACers iscomposed of student leaders, namely members at different levels of the SAC,which gives them the ability to approach issues from the perspectives of bothstudents and the university. This helps the team to address the problems ofstudents in a more acceptable manner and bridges the gap between the universityand students, thus providing comprehensive services for SFU students in a moreconvenient and considerate way.

Data analysis

Foundedon 11ember 19thin 2013, the SAC has been in operation for one yearand has been providing services to students even during winter and summervacations. By the end of 10ober 2014, The SAC had incorporated 30 serviceitems, operated for 1,200 hours, and performed 11,757 services. The SACexperienced 3 peaks in terms of service volume, with services numbering morethan one thousand for each peak period. Now, the SAC is making great strides topursue its aspiration to cater to all the needs of the university.

1.Service volume

In 11ember 2013, service volume in our first peak inperiod reached 1,255, when the newly founded SAC completed magnet plastering ofstudent IDs for new students.

In 12ember 2013, the services in SAC improved steadily, thoughservice volume dropped with the advent of the winter vacation.

In 03ch 2014, when the new semester began, many studentsapplied for new student IDs to replace lost ones and consequently, the SAC’s servicevolume increased greatly compared to 12ember 2013.

In04il and 05 of 2014, the SAC introduced many newservice items and saw a steady increase in service volume.

In 06e 2014, the SAC witnessed the second peak, withservice volume reaching 2,750, as a result of more than 2,000 graduatesrequesting help in handling necessaryprocedures before leaving the university.

During the summer vacation, service volume droppedslightly, but the SAC continued to provide convenient services for students inneed.

By 09tember 2014, the SAC had become familiar to allfaculties and students and the center saw an increase in its service volume andintroduced new multiple types of service.

In 10ober 2014, service volume reached the third peak at3,661 when the SAC issued student IDs for new students of year 2014 andregistration of military service cards for students of SFU. As a result,service volume remained large for 10ober and 11ember.

2.Ratings for our services

By 11ember 2014, 97% of students rated the SAC’sservices as “satisfactory”; only 1.7% had concerns about our service andoffered the center precious advice; 0.03% of students did not rate our servicein time, possibly due to tight schedules.

In general, the SAC provided services to the satisfactionof the majority of students, though there is still room for improvement.

3.Monthly ratings for ourservices

Student approval rate of the SAC’s services is generallyon an upward trend, with the maximum rate at 97%. For the whole year, approvalrates remained above 80%, while the proportion of students who ratedunsatisfactory or did not rate decreased, which now stands at 0.2% on average.

The SAC implemented multiple measures to providesatisfactory services to more students. These measures include introducingregulations to improve counter services, project registration and follow-up, 24hour hotlines and so on.

4.Statistics for counselingservices

Apart from during vacations, counseling servicesincreased steadily with increasing general service volume of the SAC. The SACprovides extensive counseling services, including guidance on campus life andacademic studies, as well as other services. During the two long vacations, theSAC still provided counseling services for students. Counseling service volumereached a peak in 09tember 2014, receiving 837 enquiries.

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