SFU attended the 10th Confucius Institute Conference

By:/ From: Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance/ Date:1208,2015/ View:0Set up the

The 10th Confucius Institute Conference wasconvened at Shanghai World Expo Center from December 6 to 7 with the theme of “cateringto new demand and pushing for integration”. LIU Yandong, Vice Premier of Chinaand Chairwoman of the Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters, delivereda keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the conference and presented the awardsto the outstanding collectives and individuals of Confucius Institute andClassroom in 2015. The opening ceremony was hosted by YUAN Guiren, Minister ofEducation of China and Vice Chairman of the Council of the Confucius InstituteHeadquarters, and YANG Xiong, Mayor of Shanghai made the welcome speech.

CHEN Jingying, Vice President of ShanghaiFinance University (SFU), FANG Shoujiang, Dean of School of InternationalExchange (Sino-Danish School), LI Weidong, Director of International ExchangeCenter, and XU Xiaoqing, Chinese Director of Confucius Classroom were presentat the opening ceremony of the Conference. Over 2,300 directors of ConfuciusInstitutes, presidents of the host universities, ambassadors, representativesof Chinese organization parties, and Chinese enterprise representatives from134 countries and regions all over the world were present at the conference.

The Conference was formed by the Opening Ceremony,Directors’ Forums, an evening art show, Presidents’ Forums, and the Closing Ceremony.The representatives of SFU carefully listened to the speeches concerningresources sharing, Chinese teachers training, Confucius Institute fundcollection and management, Confucius Institute service for enterprises, andquality of the Confucius Institute and “the Belt and Road”, and communicated andshared experience with directors and management staff of the ConfuciusInstitute in other universities.

In 2015, SFU established the ConfuciusClassroom at International Business Academy (IBA), Kolding, Denmark, and held theinauguration ceremony in the late October. The teaching and management workwere developed in an orderly way. The Conference offered us valuable experienceabout the further construction of Confucius Classroom at IBA.

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